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Most of the direct work of ministry, both within and outside of our congregation, occurs at the committee level. Perhaps a better way of thinking about our committees is to view them as work groups. Each committee has a very specific area of ministry that it is responsible for organizing and implementing.

Our committees are divided into two groups: those under the guidance of the Session and those under the guidance of the Diaconate. Those related to the Session are focused on Worship, Education, Staffing, Finance, and Property. Those related to the Diaconate are focused on Service to the congregation and the community.

All members of First Presbyterian are welcome and encouraged to participate in the work of our committees, and you can do so by contacting the minister.


Christian Education

Christian Education is responsible for Sunday School, Family Bible School, Youth (6th-12th grades), PK’s (Presbyterian Kids - our elementary school group), Youth Confirmation, and all other educational activities within our church.  CE also oversees and coordinates the Children’s Sermon, the nursery, and Children's Church activities.

Finance and Stewardship

The finance committee’s responsibilities are formulation of the annual budget, conducting the annual stewardship campaign, monitoring the monthly progress of the income and expenses of the church, making recommendations to the session based on the financial needs of the church and giving periodic reports to the congregation on the financial health of the church. 


The Personnel committee recommends personnel related budget, policies, and decisions to the Session. The committee also recommends employment decisions for non-clerical staff to the Session. With the minister, the committee manages the performance reviews of all staff, including clergy.


The Property Committee is tasked with the oversight of our buildings, grounds, and furnishings. Our facilities are composed of two major buildings: The Sanctuary - built in 1894-1895, with the most recent remodel completed in the early 1990’s. Joe Hopkins Hall - our modern two-story ministry center, built in 1999, has a fully equipped commercial kitchen, full bathrooms, classrooms, a chapel, a parlor, a library, a conference room, two choir rooms and the staff offices.


The Technology Committee provides technology services to all committees and activities of the church. It acquires, services, and provides technology training as needed. Specific areas include: computers, printers, software (programs), website, and social media.


The Worship Committee’s purpose is to advise and help the Session in providing for the worship of God’s people including the preaching of the Word, the music program, and the sharing of the Sacraments in keeping with the principles in the Directory for Worship located in the Book of Order. The main sub-committees and responsibilities are: music, sacraments, sanctuary guild, ushers, acolytes, flowers, and banners.


Mission and Outreach

 The Committee’s mission statement is to serve God by serving others.

Mission activities take place on three levels. 

  • First, benevolences, which include direct financial support to community organizations providing services in one of our targeted goal areas as well as our unified mission giving to the Presbytery. 
  • Second, Special Offerings including One Great Hour of Sharing, Presbyterian Communities Benevolent Care Offering, Dimes for Hunger, Thornwell Home for Children, and Christmas Joy.   
  • Third, a partnership with community organizations near and far to provide hands-on service. For a more in-depth look at missions, click here to link to the Mission page.

Church Growth

The Church Growth Committee seeks to raise the profile of the church, ensure a warm, welcoming visitor experience and integrating new members to the wider life of the congregation.

Congregational Care

The Congregational Care Committee supports our church family during difficult times and helps to celebrate in times of joy. A meal is offered to a member when returning home from a hospitalization or surgery and upon the death of a member’s immediate family. A “meal train” is set up when meals are needed for a longer period of time. In the event of the death of a church member, the family may choose to have a reception at the church following the memorial service or have a private family meal. To celebrate a new birth, the family receives a meal in their home. A bridal brunch, the morning of the wedding, is offered to a member being married at the church. This committee is comprised of seven teams, with approximately 70 members participating. 

Congregational Life

Congregational Life helps the congregation develop relationships with one another and encourage overall fellowship. We strive to bring one another together through the planning and hosting of events such as: Sunday School Rally Day, Montreat Family Church Retreat, Trunk or Treat, the Nativity Presentation at the Christmas Dinner, the Easter Egg Eggstravaganza, Retirees' Lunch, and Ladies’ Night Out.


The Fellowship Committee supports our church family by organizing various events designed to enrich our lives and relationships within the family of faith at First Presbyterian. Our mission includes only those events where a congregational meal is served. Often partnering with other committees, we help host receptions, socials, and charity events, such as Souper Bowl Chili and Soup Cookoff, the Christmas Dinner, Pairs and Spares Oyster Roast, Flowering of the Cross and Rally Day breakfasts. Members of the committee decorate for these events in creative ways, set up, prepare and serve the meals, and clean up afterward. Congregation members are also welcome to pitch in and help on these events.

Visitation & Prayer Ministry

The Prayer Ministry is a confidential ministry who communicates to the Session and Diaconate member prayer requests from church members. Members of the church are encouraged to reach out to the Prayer Team leader when a prayer request is needed. An email is then sent to those who have agreed to serve on the Prayer team so that they can include the request in their daily prayers. Updates on each request are provided by the minister or the team leaders on a frequent basis.  Visits are also made to homebound congregation members, who are unable to be with the congregation in its worship and fellowship. Volunteers work closely with our Minister to make sure that all members feel included in the life of the church.

Fix-It Committee

Fix-it is a service ministry for our church that provides a helping hand to members who are not physically able to perform tasks at home that they used to be able to do, such as small repairs, replacing batteries in fire alarms, changing clocks, changing heat/AC filters, replacing light bulbs and even flipping mattresses.

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